gigasport_shop_window (2 of 12)
gigasport_shop_window (6 of 12)
gigasport_shop_window (10 of 12)
gigasport_shop_window (11 of 12)
gigasport_shop_window (5 of 12)
gigasport_shop_window (4 of 12)

Gigasport approached me with the task of creating a color scheme and design concept for the back walls of their shop windows in Graz that would also be applicable on backdrops on all other shops across Austria. One requirement was that the concept had to work well with the cuboids and pentagonal prisms made from very light raw wood that were used to display the products.
My design aimed to very abstractedly resemble a snowy, rocky mountain range that extends across all consecutive shop windows – giving each of them a unique feel while at the same time connecting them.

gigasport_shop_window (3 of 12)
gigasport_shop_window (9 of 12)


year /// 2020

client /// Gigasport

design /// Mathias Schalk

photos /// Mathias Schalk

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